Senior  Adult  Ministry

We love and our Senior Adults.  JFBC Seniors are a vital part of the heart and ministry of our church.   You will find them serving in every area of our church.  We are blessed to have a church family that does not believe in just existing, we believe in living and serving the Body of Christ - no matter what your age. We strive to live out the true meaning of the Scripture found in 1 Corinthians 12:12-26 of many members but one body.

each month we have

Hearty   Bunch

The Hearty Bunch is a community wide gathering.  We meet monthly, on the second Thursday, for a program, devotion, lunch, and mission projects.  You never know what might be on the program for the month! Lunch is provided by local restaurants or hearty bunch members for $8 a person.

If you would like to join us, sign up here.  RSVPs are not required but appreciated.  



Join our Senior Adults every Friday at 11am for low-impact exercise. We aim to honor our Creator as we care for the bodies God entrusted to us through exercise


Our Seniors love to travel!  There are always trips on the schedule in our Senior Adult Ministry.  So, keep an eye out and be sure to sign up!